Frustrated~2~Sophisticated (F2S) is an organization birthed to help women of every class overcome past hurts, pains, grief, and frustration. The most difficult task in life is to transition to a changed person. Change often causes discomfort and fear. F2S is here to provide encouragement throughout your transition from Frustration~2~Sophistication. Your privacy is our most sacred treasure. F2S enables women of [rags to riches] status to receive life changing help and peace. The circumstances that has caused you frustration can be resolved; you can be free of the bloodshed tears and agony. Then finally be a complete sophisticated woman.
Future Goals:
F2S future goals are to offer professional counseling to assist women in knowing their self worth. Partner with similar Organizations to provide the necessary shelter, food and clothing to women. Have a physical building to provide an outlet for women to visit monthly to be pampered, encouraged, and refreshed to reface life challenging but attainable obstacles. Then finally help women [Look Good Inside & Out].
Interested in donating to support the vision. Submit your donation with a brief description and you will be acknowledged on the Supporters Page.
Why us?
Frustrated~2~Sophisticated aim to push you into excellence. There are so many women that have the potential but do not have the encouragement, motivation, dedication, or push needed to obtain excellence.
Mission Statement:
{Look Good, Inside &Out}