Please note this post will change on September 1, 2016. This month's Soul F~2~S Woman is Naomi. I hope [Naomi] Soul F~2~S Life will be an encouragement to you . Soul F2S Woman~~ describes a woman in the Bible that can be referred to as a Soul F2S Woman. She is a woman that has experienced frustration but chose to develop the attributes of a [sophisticated] refined woman from the heart through Christ Jesus.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Soul F2S Woman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The life of Naomi is certainly relevant to the Soul F2S Woman. She was married to Elimelech according to the book of Ruth. Her husband made a decision to leave their home in Bethlehem and travel to the country of Moab. He made this decision based upon the famine in the land of Bethlehem. Naomi had also two sons by the name of Mahlon and Chilion. Her sons married two Moab girls by the name of [Orpah and Ruth]. I know you must be wondering how is Naomi's life similar to that of a Soul F~2~S Woman.
Naomi's frustration started with the death of her husband after moving to Moab. Shortly thereafter little did Naomi know that her sons would both die as well. Naomi requested that her daughter-in-laws go back to their fathers home. This pain of grief had stricken Naomi to her bones. So much that the scripture recount her frustration by exposing Naomi's response to her daughter-in-laws plea to remain with her, Naomi stated that God had punished her. Her daughter-in-laws were grieving with her as they had also lost their husbands and did not have any children to bear their husbands name and to keep Naomi's lineage going. Orpah returned to her father's home as Naomi requested of her; however Ruth chose to stay with Naomi. Ruth basically vowed to Naomi that she would continue to live with and care for her until she die. Naomi saw that Ruth was serious and did not force her to do otherwise. Naomi and Ruth went back to Bethlehem after Naomi had heard that her country was no longer experiencing a famine.
When they arrived many came to greet Naomi. Scripture also exposes Naomi's frustration in her response to her countrymen. Naomi response to them was do not call me Naomi {which means pleasant}, instead call me Mara {which means bitter}.
Despite the reputations of Naomi God performed a miracle for her that transitioned her from Frustration ~ 2 ~ Sophistication through Ruth. Ruth determination to care for her widowed mother-in-law not only blessed Naomi but even Ruth. Her faithful desire to find food for her mother-in-law granted her favor with a wealthy man in Bethlehem called Boaz. Ruth was unaware that Boaz was a kinsman of her late husband, which by Jewish traditions and laws deemed it orthodox for him to marry her. Ruth's faithful love toward her widowed mother-in-law grabbed Boaz attention and thereby gained her favor with him. Boaz not only requested that Ruth would continue coming to his harvest for glean but he even assured her that she would get much if she continued and made it clear that his actions were due to her treatment toward Naomi. Naomi life began to transition into a more sophisticated life when she found out that it was from Boaz's harvest that Ruth had been gleaning from for food. Naomi knew that this wealthy man was a kinsman to her late husband and by the Jewish laws he could marry Ruth who had proven her love toward Naomi. So Naomi could now see that God had not abandoned her but rather was going to bless her through Ruth. Naomi later gave Ruth instructions and as she followed them Boaz then informed her of their customs. He informed her that if the living kinsman that is closely related refuse to marry her that he would. Boaz not only showed his loyalty to his customs but also to Ruth by asking her hand in marriage as promised after the closer kinsman refused. Ruth's blessing was also a blessing to Naomi because Boaz wealth was also Naomi's security. Boaz and Ruth also bore a son by the name of Obed, which was Naomi's grandson by the Jewish laws and this blessing restored the name of Naomi's husband lineage. Naomi transition afforded her to even be blessed and called a woman of the lineage of King David as well as Jesus.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~God Bless ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To read the life of Naomi for yourself, read the book of Ruth in the Holy Bible.
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