Please note this post will change January 4 , 2016. I hope [The Samaritan Woman] F2S Life has been an encouragement to you. Soul F2S Woman~~ describes a woman in the Bible that can be referred to as a Soul F2S Woman. She is a woman that has experienced frustration but chose to develop the attributes of a [sophisticated] refined woman from the heart through Christ Jesus.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~From Whore to Whole~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Soul F2S Woman number seven~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Samaritan Woman~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Samaritan Woman lived a very frustrated life as she was apparently accustomed to sleeping with many men. On her way to Jacob's well to fetch water she happened to meet Jesus. Jesus asked her for water and she immediately began telling Him how shocked she was that He would dare speak to her [a Samaritan Woman]. She went on to speak to Jesus about how the Jews had their differences with the Samaritans. hen Jesus immediately explained to her that if she only knew who He was, she would instead ask Him for water. She immediately questioned Him on His confidence in saying that she would instead ask Him for Water. Jesus quickly told her that He has a water that would quench any woman or man thirst forever and unlike the water from Jacobs well, they would never thirst again. The woman said please give me that water so I will never have to make this long journey to fetch water again.
Then Jesus asked her to go get her husband. She responded to him saying 'I am not married'. Jesus stated to her correct but you have five husbands and you aren't married to the man you are living with now. Appalled that he would know this information about her the Samaritan Woman responded, Sir, you must be a prophet. She then questioned Jesus with great frustration on why the Jews were adamant about their beliefs that Jerusalem is the only place of worship, while the Samaritans claim it is Mount Gerizim where their ancestors worshiped.
Jesus responded to her that the time has come for all, to no longer focus on where or how they worship the Lord but rather be more focused on whether or not what they are doing can be called worship to the Lord. Jesus explained to her that the Lord is Spirit and they that worship Him must have His help.
The Samaritan Woman's response to Jesus was that when the Messiah came He would explain it to her and Jesus responded to her, I am the Messiah. The Samaritan Woman chose to believe Jesus which was her transformation from a frustrated woman to a more sophisticated woman. She left the well and her water pot beside it and ran to her village to tell everyone that they should come and meet the Messiah who had prophesied to her. The Samaritan Woman exercised her faith in Jesus immediately by running to share with others that she had met the Messiah.
Despite your personal downfalls Jesus will still give you an opportunity to accept Him in your heart. What will your response be to Him?
To read about The Samaritan Women you may visit John the 4th Chapter.