F-2-S Words of Encouragement
Hello Everyone,
This morning, I would like to take the time to pray that the remainder of your week be blessed. I pray that this Holiday Season will bring joy and peace to the hearts of every reader of this post. If you are having a tough time during this Holiday period, please remember that God loves you and cares. Do not feel alone. Please submit a post and I will be certain to contact you within 24 hours. Should this time period elapse, please exercise patience and I will be with you soon. Should you simply desire prayer please annotate such in your post and you will be lifted up in our prayers.
Currently, I am conducting a study on the book of Proverbs called, "Finding Wisdom". This can be found on my YouTube channel with many other encouraging videos. Feel free to utilize this resource in the interim as well.
Take care and have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
Annie Okoye, Founder, F~2~S
November 23, 2022
Hello Everyone,
It is with Great Joy, I welcome you back to the website for some spiritual nourishments for your soul. Today's encouragement is to remind you to give yourself Grace. It has been over a year since I have been able to actively post to the website due to a Family Emergency. I am thankful to God for enabling me the opportunity to restart with a new fresh wind of Grace. When we are doing things in our day to day lives it is very easy to become extremely strict on ourselves and overall uptight. We have to remember that when we are working for the Lord; we have Grace that keeps us going from day to day.
So, I don't know what this may look like in your life: [Maybe you failed to meet a committed deadline, maybe you could not follow through on a promise you made to someone, you may have forgotten a very special meeting or occasion] and you just can't seem to forgive yourself. Ask yourself would God beat me up about this matter or would He grant me Grace. Love yourself enough to give yourself Grace. Please by all means if you are reading this and are on the other end of the scenario whereby someone promised you something and didn't follow through, or they broke a commitment that was extremely important. This is also for you as well. You get an opportunity to extend Grace to that person in Love as you would hope to receive the same Grace extended to you if it were you instead. So, again take time today to give yourself grace, extend grace to others and be aware that through Christ Jesus, Grace is available unto all.
Annie Okoye, Founder, F~2~S
November 6, 2022
Hello All,
Today, God desires that America repent of foul conversations regarding the President of the United States. God says, "He is God and what He allows, we must respect and obey." The unfortunate truth is that many will see this message and disregard it. We need to know that God do not make mistakes. He alone has allowed President Donald Trump to walk in leadership as our President. America, please be advised that when we speak ill toward our President, we oppose God. The following scriptures will provide you all the information you need regarding obedience to those who are appointed leaders or rulers over you: 1 Timothy 2:1, Romans 13:1-7, 1Timothy 2:1-3, Titus 3:1, 1Peter 2:13-14, and Hebrew 13:17. We will all individually answer for our actions one day, so please take this message to heart and repent.
~REPENT~~~~~~REPENT~~~~~~~~REPENT [now today]
Secondly, America and all other countries need to cry out to God for deliverance and Devine healing of COVID-19 through unified prayer. God has already shown us that no amount of medicine or medical attention can stop what He allows. We can not handle the wrath of God. God will rain on the just as well as the unjust with Devine healing if we obey.
God has promised us healing of our Land after our obedience to this repentance and prayer call. 2 Chronicles 714. Humble yourselves and repent.
Annie Okoye, Founder, F~2~S
March 25, 2020
Hi Ladies,
Let's talk about [Trusting God]. The thought for the next month is Blindly Trusting God. These words of encouragement are to invoke you to truthful self examination. This examination as in school require pen and paper, your iPad, iPhone notes etc.., somewhere or something, you can write something on and review at a later time. Let's take a moment and ask ourselves, what have we recently asked God for, been told that God is going to give us, or battling trusting God's word to fulfill his promises to us. Then write these items down and place them in a place where you can see them very often.
Now, ask yourself, do I really trust God. Ask yourself, if you were given what you were expecting from God would your response be an amazement due to doubt in God. We have to push pass all obstacles and distractions and blindly trust God. Meaning do what God command even if you do not understand it at all. Go where God says go even if your closest friends have told you it was a crazy idea. Trust God over man with your finances, family, spiritual growth, and life. Place your notes in a place where you will see it daily. Pray over these notes and ask God to forgive you for your disbelief and give you the strength to believe and be your constant reminder that God will never fail.
Annie Okoye, Founder, F~2~S
May 25, 2017
Welcome Back,
Today, I would like to encourage you to be willing to follow God even when you don't understand. When you don't understand why God say's {No or Not Yet]. Just continue to follow Him any way. God, knows our beginning, our journey, and our end. This simply means you can never know better than God what He has in store for you. When Job experienced his trial of attack from satan, he bore his trial with a spirit of determination to see the end. Though Job lost everything during parts of his journey, he also was restored it all one hundred fold. God, can see the things in life that our vision is to obscured to see or focus on. So, I encourage you today to follow God blindly. Trust that if God has allowed these things in your life to take place that He will see you through them. Respond differently as well. Respond in praise that God loved you enough and trusted you enough to be faced with the trial and not faint in your faith and trust in Him. So, what is your response when God says [No or Not Yet]?
Annie Okoye, Founder, F~2~S
5 March 2017
Greetings & Happy Holidays,
The words of encouragement for the month of December are to {Remember The Cost our Savior Jesus Christ paid to redeem us}. There is no amount of frustration any of us can experience that the blood of Jesus can not wipe away. We celebrate the birth of Christ this month to commemorate our Savior. I encourage you not to get stuck in the traditional shallow works of this world. This world took the birth of our Savior and manipulated the minds of many christians and unbelievers that our commemorating Christ should only be about giving gifts. I encourage you to remember the most important gift ever given. The Gift of Jesus Christ. The devil wants to frustrate you with the thoughts of not having enough money to buy gifts for everyone. The devil desires to distract you from remembering that this months ultimate focus should be giving thanks for the gift giving to us by our Lord and Savior through the Son [Jesus Christ]. The devil wants to frustrate you with thoughts of depression, suicide, ungrateful thoughts, envy, covetous heart, and distractions beyond measure. Don't be deceived by the devil this month. Set your focus and mind on a gift that was freely given that you may have an opportunity to receive eternal life. That gift was wrapped with brutal scourging and whips, an uncontaminated blood, crowned with thorns, and nailed to a cross to become a curse for every sin we may have or ever will commit. This gift was not given to give us as an option to be irresponsible or unappreciative by sinning continuously with no real desire to live a life set apart, which I refer to as a life of sophistication through Christ Jesus. Rather, this gift was given to us to redeem us from the road that is wide and leads to hell damnation. This is what we celebrate this month of December. I encourage you to transition from a frustrated ~ 2 ~ sophisticated life now. Live a new life through Christ Jesus today. Read Romans 10:9, John 3:16-17.
Annie Okoye, F~2~S, Founder
December 16, 2016
Greetings & Happy Holidays,
Today, I would like to greet you and wish you a very special and happy Holiday's. In every effort to encourage you to walk in sophistication through Christ Jesus; I would like to remind you that the only way this journey can begin is by accepting The Lord Jesus as your personal savior. Accepting Jesus as your savior as according to [Romans 10:9, KJV] is step 1.
The next step would be to exercise prayer and reading the Bible on a regular basis; this is step 2.
These steps will begin to renew your mind and way of thinking. You will soon find that things you used to like doing are no longer thrilling to you. You will find that God will give you a change of heart to do things that are pleasing in His sight. You will notice that God will begin cleansing you inside out and transform every frustrating factor in your life to a sophisticated aspect to remember. As you walk through these steps do not forget to share these same steps with your friend, relative, colleague, or whomever; God direct you to, so that they too may experience the same transformation from frustrated ~ 2 ~ sophisticated.
God Bless you.
Annie Okoye, F~2~S, Founder
November 26, 2016
Show love, kindness, and compassion toward others. Smile and be thankful for the things God has done for you.
Annie Okoye, F~2~S, Founder
6 September, 2016
If you are reading this message, I want to encourage you to take steps toward living a more sophisticated life in Christ Jesus. I know this may be hard if you have lived a life of hopelessness and disbelief. If you do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior it is imperative that you take this step first. Once you have taken this step you may gradually take other steps toward transitioning into a more sophisticated life through Christ Jesus.
You may have questions in mind, like how do I even start. Here is my response. With Pen & Paper. I challenge you to write down the things that you feel have made your life frustrated. After writing these things down, I challenge you to take 3 days and pray over these things you've written down. You may pray this prayer or however, God leads you:
Father, in the name of Jesus, please forgive me for sin known and unknown. Please cleanse me of any unrighteousness. Lord, if there is anything in me not like you, I declare right now that it is cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Lord today, I pray over the things that have caused so much frustration in my life and I ask that you deliver me from these thing this day. I declare that none of my circumstances are more powerful than you, and the blood of Jesus. Today, I submit my will to your will that you may remove every thing that is causing me frustration. The things that you have placed in my life, please give me the strength to endure them in the name of Jesus. Lord, I seal this prayer in the name of Jesus that no devil in hell may prevail against it but that every word I have uttered my come to pass.
Once you have prayed this prayer begin to take small steps at changing some of the things that have frustrated you. If you have questions or concerns send a message via the Encouraging Words form to your right and I will be certain to respond to your message.
Annie Okoye, Founder, F~2~S
30 August 2016
The words of encouragement for you today is to isolate yourself from the works of the enemy at all cost. If you desire to live a sophisticated life through Christ Jesus there is only one way. You may not be a Christian on Sunday and just an ordinary woman or man Monday- Saturday. If you choose to live a Sophisticated Life through Christ Jesus, you must know that there is nothing ordinary about you. You have been given a blood transfusion from the moment you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. You know longer live life by the works or standards of this world but you know live life by God's standards as quoted in the Word of God. You can and will obtain unmerited favor from God. You can live a life of peace, experiencing the fullness of God's grace. You do not have to suffer the pains and agony of frustration. You must crucify your flesh daily, that you may not be moved by the false failures of this world. If you did not achieve it or receive it, then accept that it was not God's will that you obtain it during this time or season. You must know that your life is not your own anymore, but rather it belongs completely to God, so you must be willing to live accordingly and as such as commanded by God. You must be willing to stand indifferent from your peers and colleagues. You must not fear the works of the enemy but rather know that you are fully protected by the Wings of our Heavenly Father. You must know without a shadow of a doubt that God and only God has the power to transform you from a frustrated to a more sophisticated life through Christ Jesus.
These are the words of encouragement from The Lord today.
Annie Okoye, F~2~S, Founder
23 August 2016
Praise the Lord through any storm that you maybe experiencing. If you are coming out of a storm, please encourage your brother or sister in Christ through prayer and the Word of God.
Annie Okoye, F~2~S, Founder
5 August 2016
Please note, in life God allow us to experience various types of situations. The sole purpose is so that we may go through the situation and allow God to develop us and prepare us to share our Testimony. If your situation feels like a cave don't allow your feelings of isolation or loneliness make you believe that God has forsaken you. This is extremely far from the truth. God will never leave you or forsake you. Cry out to the Father and He shall hear your cry.
Annie Okoye, F~2~S, Founder
31 July 2016
Greetings Ladies,
Psalm 37:4-5
Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. {King James Version}
Sisters, please note that your little problem is not too hard for God. If you haven't already give your life to God and believe in your heart that you are now His responsibility. This attitude will help you in your marriage, parenting, friendship, and love toward others as well. Because you will no longer place unreasonable expectations on others but rather place all your hope and trust in God.
Annie Okoye, F~2~S, Founder
16 July 2016
Isaiah 59:1-2, reminds us that The Lord has not forsaken us, but rather it is our desire to live in or hide sin that has caused The Lord not to respond to our call. God will turn away from you if you choose sin.
Today I challenge you to identify the things in your life that has caused you frustration. Write these things down on a piece of paper, take these things and tape them to your mirror. Take out time daily to confront these things that have placed you in bondage. Say these words: Today, I denounce [mention the things on your list} . I renounce [mention the things on your list} power over me and submit to the authority of Jesus Christ. I will no longer be controlled by [mention the things on your list}. I declare that The Lord God has made a way of escape for me through the death, burial, and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ. I believe in my heart that Jesus has set me free from the curse and bondage of [mention the things on your list}.
If you have followed these instructions and would like to share the Change God has made in your life today. Click on the Contact tab up top and share with me.
Annie Okoye, Founder, 1 0 July 2016
Please Note: God have not given us a Spirit of Fear. Do not be intimidated by the works of the devil. Those who has a relationship with God shall be protected from the plans of the enemy. View the trailer below and then comment on how this message touched you. If you like the Trailer you must see my Message on YouTube entitled: Have No Fear.
8 July 2016
Annie Okoye, Founder
1 John 1:7
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
If you have not accepted the Lord as your personal Savior do so quick that you may be washed clean from all sins.
Annie Okoye, Founder, 26 June 2016
This message is to encourage you that despite your current discouraging challenges, God plan for your life is so much greater. Remain focused on Jesus.
Annie Okoye, Founder, 4 Jun 16
This video is to inspire all that are thinking of giving up [Not ] to. Hold on to God's hand. What is bitter now will soon be sweet. What hurts today will bring joy later. Hold on to your Faith.
One Year Anniversary. Praise God for His Devine wisdom. I am extremely thankful to share that I celebrate one year strong of encouraging women all over the world. Knowing your purpose in life is absolutely paramount. It is so important that you know what God called you to do and trust God that if He called you to do something, He has already equipped you to complete the task. My prayer is that you may stop second guessing yourself.
My prayer is that you procrastinate no longer on doing what you feel God has called you to do. Pray and ask God for His guidance then act upon what He has said do so that you can fulfill your purpose. There are men, women, boys, and girls that are waiting for you to fulfill your purpose. All of us are created to reach specific souls. So, know that the long you procrastinate someone life is depending on you. Don't be mistaken, if you refuse, God will raise someone else up who will do what He has commanded. Don't be found guilty of delaying your brother/sister's salvation. Be blessed. Thank you Jesus for one year of guidance, instructions, clarity, and skills, to deliver, Encouragement to women all over the world through this medium.
2 April 2016
Annie B. Okoye, F~2~S, Founder
Greeting Ladies,
This message is to encourage you to clearly define your purpose and then pursue it with all that is in you. Each one of us have a purpose in Christ Jesus to do something that will glorify the Kingdom of God. This message is not in reference to your professional purpose, educational purpose, or marital purpose. This message is in reference to your Spiritual purpose. When last have you prayed and asked God what it is that He desires you do to uplift His Kingdom. What do I mean by uplift? I mean win souls for the Kingdom of God, encourage those who are growing weary in their Christian walk, and providing any assistance in which God has enabled you to do so to those in desperate need of knowing our Savior. This is the purpose, I am referring to in this message. We all have a greater call than just being a young lady, girlfriend, wife, mother, or employee.
You will actually gain direction in your personal life as you seek God for your purpose in Him. The Bible says, [Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of these things shall be added unto you {Matthew 6:33}] This text informs us that if we seek the Kingdom of God first and His righteousness, any other thing we need will be added unto us. So just imagine what you need and fill it in this area. However, this is not a game, you must be seeking the Kingdom of God with your heart. So, I challenge you to ask God to reveal your purpose for His Kingdom. You may define your purpose by writing it down and doing research on this purpose, then taking your findings into pray with the Lord to request that He confirm your findings or provide a greater revelation. Once, you have clearly identified and defined your purpose. Begin to walk in your purpose with Holy boldness and watch God move and do great things in your life.
21 Mar 16
Annie B. Okoye, F~2~S, Founder
What if you had 24 hours to live? What would be at the top of your list of things to do? Would you still be trying to get in order a place that is not your permanent home? Would you be looking for insurance policies, and trying to validate your will to ensure all things are in order? Would you be trying to call all of those you have offended to request forgiveness of your wrong doing? Would you be trying to finally let those who have sought your forgiveness know that you forgive them?
Would you be anxious and nervous of what was to come? Or would you be at peace knowing that you have fought a good fight? Would you be content knowing that you had done your very best to snatch as many souls possible from the hell fire for Christ sake? Would you be certain that you had fulfilled your purpose in which you were called to fulfill here in this temporary space. Would you be ready for what awaits you? Or would you feel as if you have no clue what awaits you? Would you be fearful and disgruntled with all those here in this earth because of your sudden 24 hour notice. Would you be ready to give this body back to the earth knowing that you have finished your course? Would you be satisfied with God's decision knowing that you have lived a holy and sanctified life for The Lord to the very best of you ability through Christ Jesus. Or would you spend the last 24 hours of you life in this body trying to please this flesh and totally oblivious of the life that awaits you.
Guess what-- You have time. Don't put off for tomorrow the things you can do today. Is repent on your list of things to do? Is accepting The Lord, Jesus as your personal Savior on your list of things to do? Is being baptized on your list of things to do? Is showing your children how much you love them on your list of things to do? Here's a suggestion, don't wait for a notification Repent today, give your life to The Lord today {Roman 10:9, John 3:16-17}, be baptized today. Show your children how much you love them today, fulfill your purpose today. Try to win souls for Christ today. Take this moment to jot down all you can think of for your--
Then begin daily doing these things to mark them off the list. When your time has expired, let your things to do list be all checked off and completed.
28 Feb 2016
Annie B. Okoye, F~2~S, Founder
Greeting Ladies,
Reflections of the Heart
This week I would like to challenge you to purchase my book and read every chapter and take moments to reflect on your life. So many of us has experienced heart break because we have never stopped to reflect upon our lives. We make YouTube videos on how to wear our clothes, hair, and makeup. Some even make YouTube videos to show purchases of an enormous about of gifts that are extremely costly. [This is not the problem.]
The problem is when these things are used to cover up what you feel like inside. The Bible tells us in 1 Peter 3:3 -5, to focus on our heart rather than the adornment of what we will wear. I wrote this book to encourage women, myself included to look within their heart and complete a self examination. I encourage you to ensure that you are working diligently to look good inside out. It is dangerous to look good outside and overlook inside. This means if your heart is torn, broken, or wicked. This is something that needs 100% attention and much more than your face, hair, nails, etc... This book will caution you to take a look at your life and deal with things that you have hidden in your heart so you can move forward and not make the same mistakes or worst never move forward at all. I hope you will purchase and take the time to reflect. You may purchase at Amazon.com.
Annie B. Okoye, F~2~S, Founder
Greeting Ladies,
Who Are you?
Tonight I would like to ask you a question, who are you? Do you know? Are you idolizing a celebrity, friend, mentor, or worst an enemy? Are you jealous, envious, coveting your friend, sister, mentor, celebrity lifestyle? Can you look at yourself in the mirror and be honest and say that you are being real to yourself and others. Remember your kids will repeat what you do not what you say. Woman if you do not know who you are or if for some reason you have gotten lost trying to be who you are not; I encourage you tonight to take a moment to ask God to forgive you. Find a mirror quick and say I am sorry for disappointing you. Then say today is a new day, I love the Woman I see and from this day forward; I am going to be me.
12 February 2016
Annie B. Okoye, F~2~S, Founder
Greeting Ladies,
In celebration of Lovers Month; I suggest you all read [Bathsheba Reluctant Beauty ] by Angela Hunt. This book will open our eyes as women to so many virtuous characteristics. You will see God's favor, His love, His mercy, His forgiveness and so much more in this book. All of which I believe as those walking after Christ or desiring to be Christ like should possess. More importantly, all of which I believe we must have to experience the true God Love in our Marriages. You will see how a man can obtain God's favor and because of it obtain mercy for his entire family. You will see how a Woman has the ability to hold on in hope for what was promised to her as a child and as a result endure extremely trying circumstances.
In the very end she experience God's true Love in her heart and in her marriage. Quick get this book from your library, amazon, Barnes & Noble. Wherever you can get it get it because it will enable you to see the life of Women different than the past.
3 February 2016
Annie B. Okoye, F~2~S, Founder
Greeting Ladies,
I am sending these encouraging words to remind you of how beautiful you are to God. According to Psalm 139: The Lord describes in detail how special you are to Him. He knew you before your Mom and Dad were even considering joining together as one to have you. He states that He knitted you in your mothers womb. It is extremely detail how significant you are to God.
So, I would like to take a moment to remind you to be thankful for who you are and how you look. Don't covet or envy others because the differences you see physically, but rather, work diligently on your inner beauty. Ensure that you look good from the Inside --~-Out.
This month is the month dedicated to Love. Godly love is more precious to God than you may know. So appreciate you first so that your husband or wife will not have to work so hard in appreciating you also this month.
May God continue to shine on all marriages ordained by Him.
1 February 2016
Annie B. Okoye, F~2~S, Founder
Greetings Ladies,
This is words of encouragement to remain pure. Abstain from all impurities that you may be used by good to help others. This is not a word for those who have accepted The Lord as their personal Savior only. Being pure is so important to your being. The Bible states in Romans the 6th chapter that you will be a slave to impurity if you chose impurity. You have been given one of the most powerful gifts from God. The gift of [Choice]. Salvation is free but you must make a [choice] to receive it, likewise purity is obtainable but you must make a [choice] to be pure. It may be difficult but it will be so worth it. Being a slave means that you will take commands from that impurity. You can choose to be a slave to God and accept freedom through Christ Jesus. The term slave simply means that you will take commands from God instead. So, I challenge you this week to choose purity. Whatever you struggle with that you know is impure. Choose purity.
24 Jan 2016
Annie B. Okoye, F~2~S, Founder
Greetings Ladies,
How was your day today? I want to hear from you at your earliest convenience. Submit me a message through this form to your right and tell me just how your day was. Let me know what you want me to pray for with you. Tonight while praying for the Viewers, I felt compelled to pray for deliverance, healing, and the blessings of God. I prayed for souls to be delivered, saved and set free. So please send me some feedback to let me know what God is doing in your life and what you would like me to agree in prayer with you on, for this season.
**Words of Encouragement**
Despite your brokenness, God is still near, despite your despair, God still hears. So, don't give up or throw in the towel, but rather put your face on the floor and cry out Loud, God I know you are here with me right where I am, I just need to feel your comfort please embrace me with your hands.
6 January, 2015
Annie B. Okoye, F~2~S, Founder
Women hold your head up high and kick the dust of sin off of your feet, God has allowed you to enter another year 2016. How will you show that you are grateful?
4 Jan 2016
Annie B. Okoye, F~2~S, Founder
Shantell Alexander posted the below message for encouragement 11/16/2015
5 October 2015
Get Off the Clearance Rack!!!
First Let’s Talk about your Worth: God Quotes that you are the Apple of His Eye, David Quotes that we are Fearfully and wonderfully made in god’s image, God quotes that you are that of a royal priesthood, meaning you are royalty, God tells the man to honor his wife as the weaker vessel, which means they should view our vulnerabilities as an opportunity to protect us not reject us.
Now let me back these statements up with scriptures:
Zechariah 2:8, Psalm 139:14, Genesis 1:27, 1 Peter 2:9, 1 Peter 3:7.
Consider yourself reminded of your worth in Gods Eyes. ---------So now that you know your worth it is time to ------ Get off the clearance rack!!!!
You are not a clearance item. You are a jewel rare and distinct. Oh you feel like you haven’t been chosen yet---it’s just not time yet, so wait…. Don’t be in a hurry to be chosen that you give yourself away. A clearance item is something that has be placed at a lower value in hope of a guaranteed sale. Guess what, there is no guarantee even after the item has been marked down that it will sale, so what is the real point, I’ll tell you [no patience] rather than wait for the person who has the finances and desire to honor the item for it’s true worth, one would rather mark the price of the item down, so that whoever, has change can purchase it immediately.
Have you ever placed yourself on the clearance rack?
What do you mean? Let me help you out-----
Have you settled to marry this guy you don’t really love because your Mr. Right has not showed up yet?
Have you settled to marry this girl you dated in high school because your parents and school mates think you all are soul-mates?
Have you purchased a vehicle you don’t like because you didn’t have the faith to believe God for the one you wanted?
Have you settled for a job that was given to you because you didn’t have the confidence required to go after the one you were really qualified for?
Are you selling your body because you feel that there is nothing else you can do that will get you the type of cash you are making from prostitution?
Are you drinking from the time you wake up until the time you go to sleep because you are afraid to deal with grief, job termination, post-traumatic stress disorder?
Are you doing drugs to fit in because you have no friends?
Are you academically humiliating those around you to make yourself look more intelligent than what you are?
Are you settling for being controlled or manipulated into sin because you are too fearful to make decision of your own?
Are you masturbating because you feel like you are not worthy to be chosen by anyone again?
Are you gossiping because you are jealous of the girl who dares to be controlled?
Are you staying with an abusive spouse because you all have children together and you can’t imagine life with anyone else?
Are you sleeping around with every woman that will give you the chance because you feel your wife do not respect you?
If you can take a moment and be truthful and answer No to all of these questions; I applaud you because you may be one of the very few people in this world that knows their worth and refuse to accept a mark-down to clearance.
If you can take a moment and be truthful and answer yes to one or several of the above questions; I applaud you because you have taken the very first step to coming off the clearance rack. You have identified your fault, accepted that you are not exercising patience, and acknowledged that you are guilty of accepting being marked-down to a clearance item.
I would like to help you take the steps to coming off the clearance rack. You allowed yourself to be marked-down and the devil came along with his change to purchase you into so many sinful things. You were unaware that you had already been bought for an unbelievable price [the blood of Jesus] to never be bargained again. However, now you know just how special you are to God, so you can get off the clearance rack never to go back there again.
Remember this!!!!!!!
Psalm 103:11-12King James Version (KJV)
11 For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.
12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.
So don’t allow yourself to be marked down to clearance because the devil has convinced you that you are not worthy of God's price. Hold your head up and run to the Father who is waiting to forgive you and request forgiveness-- that you may experience true love and accept being purchased of a price that you are truly worth.
Consider Yourself Chosen
The word that best describe you is {chosen}. You are alive and still have purpose for being here. You are chosen to be the person on that job, in that school, in that country, and living the life of a Christ--Like being. You may feel uncomfortable sometimes but what you must bear in mind is that being Chosen may cause some discomfort. Just remember your value. So don't place yourself on the clearance rack in fear of not being picked, liked, loved, or comfortable. Your worth is more because you are Chosen by God. So wait patiently for the person who will value you and not try to get you for way less than you are worth. This wait will let the World know that you are Chosen by our Almighty God.
Do You Know Who You Are?
In case you have no idea, these words of encouragement are to inform you of who you are in Gods eyes. You were chosen to be with God, but you must make a choice to do so willingly. (2 Peter 3:9) God desires for you to repent and join the journey of Christ that you might experience everlasting life. The word of God states that "You" are a "Chosen" people, God, considers "You" Royalty. You are precious in His eyes. (1 Peter 2:9) states, But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. [NIV] God designed you uniquely to be who you are, so you don't have to live up to any standard other than the Word of God. As David stated in the book of Psalm 139:13-14 [You too are fearfully and wonderfully made by God] According to this scripture you should know that God knitted you in your mother's womb. So there is nothing about your being a mistake. Psalm 139:13-14 read: [For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.] God desires for you to walk in the confidence of who you are in His eyes not yours, so` take a look in the mirror and tell low self esteem, too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny, big eyes, big nose, big lips, short hair, straight hair, curly hair, nappy hair, whatever you see that contradicts what the Bible tells you, you are in God's eyes~~~ to get behind you~~~. It is time to walk in confidence of who you are and embrace every unique part of your being as a special design by our Creator and Heavenly Father. So hold your head up high and walk in the sophistication of Christ Jesus. ~~Royalty, Precious, & Chosen by God.
7 September 2015
Annie B. Okoye, Founder, F~2~S
Chasing after Christ
Everyday, I wake up it is evident that God is chasing after me. Despite my down falls, or mistakes; He is still chasing after me. I cannot and never will be able to wake up on my own. This is something that only God enables me to do daily. Therefore it is my opinion that He is chasing after me. He is chasing after me to love him with all my heart. He is chasing after me to live holy and walk in integrity always. He is chasing after me to trust and obey Him. God, doesn't have to be so loving. In fact, I am making a decision to chase after Christ with my whole heart. I want to please Him when I am shopping, exercising, getting my nails or hair done. I want Him to be proud, to be my Father in everything that I partake in during this journey. I encourage you to Chase after Christ. It is far more rewarding than you local stores rewards cards. The reward is eternal life.
Don't Give Up
Women, I have come to encourage you not to give up no matter what obstacle has the nerve to challenge you. You are strong enough to handle whatever, you are being faced with in your life today. Hold your head up high and Pray Until Something New Happens. God wants to bless you but the question is how bad do you want the blessing. Sometimes in life we have to roll our sleeves back and work harder to see better results. Sometimes, we have to get on our knees and get dirty to let God know we mean business and that we are not to arrogant to kneel down in submission to His authority. I challenge you to lay prostrate before the Lord and expect miracles to happen. It is in the prostrate position, that you seek God sincerely with total humility. Lay on your face and show Him that you reverence what He did on the Cross and more importantly you are in total submission to Who He is in your life [GOD]. If you have been praying, now it is time to fast. If you have been fasting, now it is time to travail in the spirit realm for the move of God to take place in your life. If you have been praying & fasting, it is now time for you to start listening for God's voice. How do I hear God's voice, [by reading the Word of God, Open Your Bible & Read..] Follow these instructions and watch God move.
21 Jul 2015
Annie B. Okoye, Founder, F2S
Marriage is Sacred
Hello All,
This is something God revealed to me a few days ago. Marriage is symbolic to "Christ love for the Church". This means that in our marriage we should strive to be like Christ. God said plainly to me "Which one are you Christ or The Church". What does this mean? Who are you striving to be like in your marriage? Is it Christ or The Church. It was the Church that watched Jesus heal the sick, raise the dead, provide food to the hungry and they still crucified him. As we do today. We are all striving for perfection. We are not without sin.
My prayer is that God will lead us guide us and strengthen us to be Christ in our marriage. It was Christ that paid the ultimate price that you and I may be pardoned of our filthy sins. It was Christ that knew of our every flaw and sin, yet He passed the cup and endured severe pain for our sake.
So when you are asked Who are you in your marriage? What will your answer be? This post is not to point fingers or call anyone to shame but rather to convict the hearts of those who have read it to have a sincere desire to want to be Christ in their marriage. If more people will receive this post this nation will have a fighting chance against such high divorce rates. Only if we could imagine how sacred marriage is to God. Then we wouldn't take it lightly and jump in and out of it so easily.
15 July 2015
Annie Okoye, Founder, F2S
God's Addiction
Attention Ladies & Gentlemen,
Did you know that God struggles with addiction too?
We all struggle with addictions whether it be cell phones, texting, social media, drugs, alcohol, sex, lying, backbiting, infidelity and the list goes on. God wanted me to share with you His addiction, which is [LOVE] for you.
Just like your addiction, you know that it's not as good to you, as you are to it but you remain faithful to it. Alcohol slowly kills your liver but your are addicted to it so you must have a daily drink. Smoking slowly kills your lungs but you would rather die than stop smoking your cigarettes. Unprotected sex can kill you but you must have that feel. Gluttony will cause your heart to fail but rather than discipline your flesh you would rather die of a heart attack.
God addiction for LOVING you and I is the same.
His addiction is so strong that even when our hearts fails, He breadth life into our lungs and command our heart to beat. His addiction of LOVE for us is so strong that when we commit infidelity with the devil; He vows that as high as the heaven is from the earth so great is His love for us and if we would just repent that as far as the east is to the west, He would throw our sins into the sea of forgetfulness. (Psalm 103:11-12) He loves us so much that He promised if we believe in Him, we would have everlasting life (John 3:16). He loves us so much that He promised if we teach others His Love He would be with us always. His addiction is so strong for us that He honor the blood of Jesus to pardon our sinful ways. His LOVE for us is so strong that He gave us the privilege to make a choice to life or death. God loves us so much that He sent His only begotten son to die for us. His addiction is so strong for us that even though we were the cause of "His Death" He still LOVES us.
His addiction of Love for us is so strong that He respects our decision when it is not to accept Him in our lives, so He does not force us to spend eternity with the one we cannot accept or LOVE but instead painfully rewards hell.
1 July 2015
Annie Okoye, Founder, F2S
Hello All,
The Lord is always with us no matter what we feel like. Please note: Your feelings or emotions were gifted to you by God. Your feelings are no determining factor of what is going on in your life. Sometimes we are in the valley and although it may feel like you have been deserted; that is not always the case. There are sometimes God place you in a location for a season in your life to bring life, birth life, or save a life. Your desperation to leave your current condition may not be God's Devine will for your life at this moment. However, your discernment must be strong enough to recognize when it is time to leave a location. All it takes is one unanswered call for us to miss God. Although most times, God's gracious heart gives us multiple chances. Please know the voice of God for yourself. Do not be mislead by the masses or the false prophets, say's the Word of God. We need to be wise and remain very close to the Word of God least we cast our feet against a stone. Just know this God's addiction for you is much stronger than your addiction for the thing that is blocking you from Him. Just like you cannot let go of your addiction but rather you will be completely consumed or devoured by it; likewise, God cannot let you go but rather will keep calling you and pulling at your heart until you accept or embrace death. Control your feelings and know that God is guiding your journey. If you have chosen God to guide your journey follow His every directions, lay back and rest. "God has you".
June 28, 2015
Annie Okoye, Founder, F2S
Greetings All,
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. [Psalm 46:1-3]
"Women do not fear the unknown it is not more powerful than God".
22 June 2015
Annie Okoye, Founder, F2S
Hello Everyone,
Today, I would like to encourage you to look in the mirror and compliment yourself. Take a moment and say something special to yourself. Ladies, take a moment to do something special for yourself. You are an awesome, unique, and beautiful woman. You can and will try harder today at your dreams and ambitions than you did the day before. You are not just a person to be touched, slept with, talked about, degraded, humiliated, or purchased. Your value should be priceless to those around you. Don't lower the bar to feel significant, but rather demand that the standards you deem necessary and Holy in your life be met without negotiation. You are WoMan created by a perfect God that makes no mistakes. So, if there is one that refuse to forgive you WoMan, do not negotiate your self-worth. Please let that person know that you are pardoned by a perfect God that makes no mistakes and that He has thrown your sins as far as the East is to the West into the sea of forgetfulness. So, kindly remind those in your life that have so quickly taken you for granted that you are hand crafted by the Artist that has never made a mistake. Let them know that you cannot negotiate your self-worth, dignity, character, or morals to receive their acceptance. You are God created WoMan [Non-negotiable].
Annie Okoye, Founder, F2S
Greetings Ladies,
Never give up on your hopes, dreams, desires, yourself, your loved ones, and more importantly God. June 9, 2015
Annie Okoye, Founder, F2S
Hello Ladies,
Here is the encouraging word of the day: "Stop being your worst enemy." Despite your adversity in life, God still loves you and want to heal you of all of your pain but you have to permit God to do it for you. God is just and will not make you receive your healing. So, please stop reliving the pain of your "yesterday's " and start walking in the "triumph" of your todays. God has greater but you cannot receive it if you don't forgive yourself of your wrong doing. God said, as far as the East is to the West, He will throw our sins into the sea of forgetfulness to remember them "No More". This means you have to also throw them away and remember them "No More". {Ref: Psalm 103:12 ] Stop beating yourself up about your past life experiences, move forward and accept and trust God.
Annie Okoye, Founder, F2S
Good Morning Ladies,
Please forgive me for my tardiness in getting the F2S Words of Encouragement to you all this week. I am so serious about this website and I understand that this is ministry. Everyday, I am seeking God's face for guidance and assistance in this platform to reach the masses. Every opportunity possible to snatch a soul from the hell fire is very important to me.
Today, I really want to encourage you to understand the word Love, know who you are in Christ Jesus, and know what God promised you as his daughter. First and foremost, what is Love? Often times we misunderstand love for what a person does for us. I want to tell you what true love is because there may be times when a person is unable to do things for you but it does not necessarily mean they don't love you and carefully discerning it sometimes may mean they do not. So, how do you decipher the truth from the fake. The most efficient way to determine the truth from the fake is to utilize a standard, procedure, or policy. I utilize what I believe is the unfailing truth, "The Word of God". The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 NIV, Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge it will pass away.
~~~~~~~~Now, Who are you in Christ Jesus?~~~~~ According to the Bible II Corinthians 5:17 New Living Translation, [This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!]
It is imperative that we know that God Love us so much that He said when we accept Christ in our lives, we become new. So, stop letting people hold you in bondage to what you used to do. You are new. This is also the same if you rededicate your life to Christ. Don't give the devil or any lower evil spirit use people to take authority over your mind by convincing you that you can't change. Know that you are not what you used to be. You are a strong , mighty, sophisticated woman of God.
~~~~~~~~What has God promised you as his daughter?~~~~~~~The Bible tells us in the book of Psalm 34:19 [Many are the affliction of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. New American Standard Bible. You should be aware that although you are not an exception to having problems in your life, that God will deliver you out of them all. There is no problem to difficult for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He has suffered the ultimate sacrifice for all of us. Finally, know that God has promised to meet your every need. According to Philippians 4:19 [And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.] God will take care of you if you trust him as you trust your job, your husband, your significant other, your parents, your siblings, etc... According to Psalm 37 God also promises to grant you your heart desires, if you delight yourself in Him.
These are the words of encouragement for today. ~May 26, 2015, Annie Okoye, Founder, F2S~~
You Must Know Your "God Given Power": [This is a repost]
The Power of God,
Women, please note that the power of God is so important to your life and even the success of your spouse and family. The Power of God, grants you wisdom for your decision making for life threatening and all other circumstances in your life. Often times when people think of Women of God, they think meek, humble, quiet spirited, kind, and loving. These are all great attributes of Women of God; however, God also gave women "Power" as well. We are called to be a help to our spouse and family and how else can we do so accept we have "The Power of God". A woman cannot properly provide wise counsel to her spouse accept she have "The Power of God". A woman cannot properly provide wisdom to her children accept she have "The Power of God." A woman cannot properly mentor other women accept she have "The Power of God".
In the Bible there are two courageous women that I would like to speak about and they are Deborah and Jael. Both of these women executed "The Power of God" in their lives. Deborah was entrusted by God to be appointed a Judge for the Israelites. During this time in the Bible, Judges rather than kings were appointed with the authority to rule Israel. During the War between Israel and the Canaanite's, the people of Israel had experienced great defeat. The people of Israel prayed to God for help and God answered by endowing Deborah with instructions on how to defeat the Canaanite's. This is simply God releasing His Power to Deborah to triumph over the Canaanite's. Deborah executed the command to her commander, Barak but he was hesitant to trust her because she was a woman. He was fearful and most certainly didn't want to entrust a woman with his life and the lives of his army. So, he challenged Deborah's command by requesting that she join him and his Army in Battle. Barak was foolish because he was questioning God's Power, as well as Deborah's authority. Nevertheless Deborah agreed to join them in war but warned him that the Israelites would defeat the Canaanite's. She also warned Barak that the Canaanite's commander, Sisera would flee and his death would be at the Power of a Woman. She stated this because Barak had no faith in a woman's capability concerning war.
Just as Deborah stated, Sisera afraid for his life tried to flee after his entire army had died. Sisera went to Jael's tent the wife of Herber, a Kenite in hope for a safe haven. He went to Jael's tent because the Canaanite's were presumably at peace with the Kenite's. Jael offered Sisera a treat, which included warm milk. This milk like a baby put Sisera to sleep and as he slept Jael too a hammer forced a tent peg into his temple, killing him instantly. So, the prophesy of Deborah was fulfilled, it was at the hands of a woman, Sisera the commander of the Canaanites died.
These women executed "The Power of God" in their lives. Deborah relied of The Power of God for Wisdom and Jael relied upon The Power of God for Victory. Their collective efforts to obey God and execute The Power of God led to the prevention of rape and plunder of Israel women.
In this post, we find that Deborah was perceived to be a weak woman in Barak's eyes. He questioned her authority and judgment. Jael was perceived by Sisera to be kind, loving, and harmless. However, despite what they were perceived to be they knew who they were in Christ Jesus and walked in their Power he had given them. Their courageous acts led to the defeat of Israel's long time opposition with the Canaanites.
Ladies, know that "The Power of God" can be just as prominent in your life if you will allow Him. Don't be what they call you, walk in "The Power of God".
God desires to transition you into something much greater but you have to be willing to trust God and know that He has your best interest in mind. Start now making a sincere effort to hear the voice of God and be obedient to His voice, so that the promises of God may be fulfilled in your life as they were in the lives of Sarah and Abraham. Genesis Chapters 12-22. God Bless you. 5-15-2015
Your brokenness is a concern to God. He has warned us to come to Him when we are burdened with life issues, that He might give us rest. Your bloodshed tears are relevant to God. Revelations 21:4 states, "that God will wipe away all of our tears." So please note: you are not alone, what you feel another woman somewhere in this world feel also. Although you may both describe you issues differently; you should know that they are a major concern to God and He cares for you. I want to pray for you but how can I pray for you specifically, if I am not aware of your need. I am not trying to invade your privacy, instead; I would like you to know that someone cares and that someone is "me". So, although you have days where you feel as if you are broken in more pieces than you know or that you are tired of crying; hold your head up, wipe your eyes, and take one deep breath and smile. If you can do this you have shown the devil that he cannot defeat you with life's burdens, worries, obstacles, hurt, and pain. Remember those that sow in tears will reap in Joy. God Bless you my sister. 5-14-2015
Today, I encourage you to challenge your flesh by submitting to your spirit. I challenge you to tame your flesh and do less of what you want to do and more of what God has called you to do (I'm talking about your purpose)today. 5-11-2015
- Annie Okoye, Founder, F2S
"I know you are tired of fighting but anything worth having is worth fighting for, so stop the pity party and fight!"
- Annie Okoye, Founder, F2S
"attention ladies, this is a news flash: We are at war--There is a spiritual war going on. Pastor Eric , from Rocky Mountain Calvary in Colorado Springs stated this best--The devil works overtime to destroy us. The devil wants nothing less than to rob you of everything that the Lord promised you. You need to know that it is imperative that every day you awake that you are at war spiritually. Remember, you must be prepared at all times--meditate on Ephesians 6:11-18. This scripture will prepare you spiritually for this type of war. So, if you feel that you are giving your all and nothing seems to work, your marriage is falling apart, your children are rebelling, your finances are not aligned with the word of god, your bills are more than you financially can pay, you are struggling with anger, frustration, grief, disappointment, rage , etc... open your eyes, god has so much more for you. you can have peace, love, a sound mind and joy through Christ jesus. [if this word has been an encouragement to you, post your testimony on the testimony submission form and I will post your testimony in 24 hours anonymously if you like]."
- Annie Okoye, Founder, F2S
Submit a Encouraging Word