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Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!           11/23/2022

Greetings Ladies,

This morning I encourage you all to be prayerful in all things. As the children start another year in school take this extra time you have even if it is only 15 minutes to pray and give God praise in all things for we know that it is through him that we have our being. We are only where God want us to be in this season in life. So do not fight what G0d is doing in your life. Also if you are experiencing some very uncomfortable times in your walk with The Lord.

Trust him and keep stepping even when it feels uncomfortable. I assure you that God will not place on you more than you can bear and He will not leave you in the storm. The word of God commands us to Trust in God with all our heart and lean not to our own understanding but in all of our ways acknowledge

Him and He will direct our path. The Bible tells us that God will never leave us or forsake us at this time in our life we are required to do more than know what The word of God says but we are now challenged to live His word and trust it with every fiber of our existence. So, if you must pray today that God strengthen you spiritually to disregard the thoughts and desires of the flesh but rather Trust our Father will care for us his children.

4 September 2018

Annie B Okoye, F-2-S, Founder

I recommend this movie to all women of God that are struggling in their personal lives and fighting a losing battle. I was encouraged to see this movie and I absolutely don't regret it. It has certainly changed my perspective on how we deal with all things in our lives. I am guilty of giving God what I want Him to take care of and picking it back up when I get off my knees. I have said several times that we are in Spiritual War.

This movie has spoken loud on just what God means about spiritual war. We have to have a plan or we will surely die. We need to know that according to 2 Corinthians 10:3 -6 [3For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 4(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 6And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.] Godly Women Win Wars Spiritually. Women take up your sword and shield [your bible, prayer, fasting, and praise] we are at war! There is no battle too hard for God but we have to give it to Him and leave it at His feet.

2 - Jan-2016

Annie B. Okoye, F~2~S, Founder

The Power of Silence

It is imperative that we know that it does not profit God to debate His word. The Word of God is truth and because it is truth there is no need to debate. The Word of God is to be treasured and believed not argued over or debated. The devil and those in which he use has no genuine concern in knowing God or accepting that He gave His Son to die for our sins. Therefore we need to be wise enough not to debate or argue what we believe is true. We need to know what the Word of God says least we embarrass ourselves and the Lord. Never agree with an unbeliever that the Word of God is confusing. The Lord states that He is not the author of confusion. Do not give the devil that satisfaction. Trust God with all your heart even if it means remaining quiet. Remember God came to vindicate us not the other way around.

Annie B Okoye, F~2~S, Founder 12-16-2015

Greetings All,

Despite your current circumstances, P.U.S.H [Pray Until Something Happens]. Don't be deceived by the devil. The devil will whisper in your ear that you are waisting your time. That you have messed up so bad that surely Jesus will not plead for your sins. Surely God our Father will not forgive you but these are all lies. The Bible declares that the devil is the father of lies in John 8:44. We need to be wise as a serpant and know that everyday we are in spiritual battle with the enemy. The enemy desires to rob you of your promise. Only you can give it to the devil. So when the devil come to you trying to convince you that your prayers will not reach heaven, say get thee behind me satan and get under my feet. I don't care if you have just sinned, run to the throne of mercy where your Father will cleanse you of all unrighteousness. Don't give the enemy the victory by falling into isolation, self condemnation, pity, or embarassment. Run to God who can help you through His son Jesus. The Bible says, as far as the east is to the west he will throw your sins into the sea of forgetfulness. If you are struggling with a repetitive sin. Even through this struggle keep calling on Jesus. Plead to the Lord for deliverance. Some times spirits attach themselves to us and in our complacency or relaxed state we are weak and become prey. However, the Bible says that in our weakness we are made strong through Christ Jesus [2Corinthians 12:9-11]. So hold your head up high and keep calling on the name of Jesus despite your current situation. He hears and knows your every situation and He upholds you when you are too weak to stand but still humble to acknowledge Him the Almighty God. Be blessed.

Annie B. Okoye, F~2~S, Founder 12-9-15

Let All Women be encouraged and receive salvation through Christ Jesus

that they may be a Woman of Virtue and help to their husband and family.

God has called me to encourage Women all over the World to encourage

them to be confident in who God called them to be. Despite your current

circumstances I believe God can transition you from a frustrated ~2~

sophisticated life in Christ Jesus. If you feel that you are not

frustrated but you feel a void or emptiness in your life. God has the

fulfillment that will permanently satisfy your void. In John 4th

Chapter 13-14 Verse, Jesus speaks to the Samaritan Woman and tells her that if she accept Him she will never thirst again. This is our assurance that

Through Christ Jesus all voids or feelings of emptiness can be filled.

2 9 Nov 2015

Annie B. Okoye, F~2~S, Founder

Greetings All,

I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend. This is most certainly a time in our lives where we must be thankful for all God has done in our lives. We should be content in God and trust that everything in our life will most certainly work out for our good. I pray many blessings over your lives in Jesus name.

Annie Okoye, F~2~S, Founder {29 Nov 2015}

This message is written in Vietnamese but the translation in English will be below the message.

Xin chào nữ,

Tôi muốn nói với bạn rằng tình yêu Thiên Chúa bạn.

Thiên Chúa yêu thương bạn rất nhiều rằng ông đã chỉ begotten của ông Sơn cho bạn. Rằng nếu bạn nào tin vào Ngài, bạn sẽ không hư mất, nhưng có cuộc sống mai mai. Chúa Giêsu đã phải trả giá cuối cùng cho bạn. Ông một mình là của bạn tiền chuộc cho sự sống đời đời. Chấp nhận Ngài trong trái tim của bạn rằng bạn có thể nhận được sự cứu rỗi và món quà của sự sống đời đời.

Hello Ladies,

I wanted to tell you that God Love you.

God loves you so much that He gave His only begotten son for you. That if you would believe in Him, you will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus paid the ultimate price for you. He alone is your ransom for eternal life. Accept Him in your heart that you may receive salvation and the gift of eternal life. 8-Nov-15, Annie Okoye, Founder


Here is a vision of what's to come. Our almighty has You in his hand You can trust and know his love is for You always. He ain't sleep or dead delayed but not denied Your father hears high and low sees wide an far it is better to inherit the fruit righteousness which is everlasting life with the father than the richness of this world which leads to strife and unnecessary death. You serve a God that You know You can become a friend of You serve a God that You can become after his own heart You serve a God that You can get wisdom and gifts from,You serve a God that can fight battles for You and You serve a God where You can be elevate even amongst your enemies. You serve a God that when evil takes all you have He will give it all back three time pressed down and running over You serve a God that make the old and barren conceive and birth life. You serve a Father that say if You just have faith of a mustard seed it will move mountains. You serve a God that says you don't have to fear walking in the valleys of shawdows of death. You serve a God that loved you so he gave his precious son for a ransom so You can live. You serve a God that tells you there will be no more sorrow, no more wars, no more famine... You serve a God that every knee shall bow and know he is the one true God. You serve a God who tells you to count it all joy because you already have the victory. You serve a God that you know is coming back for you. You serve a God who know every hair on Your body who knew you before you was even formed in your mothers womb. You serve an awesome God that when you're weak he carries you. You serve a God that you can't do nothing without his knowledge. You serve a God who never changes. You serve a God who has all power and might in his hand. You serve a forgiving and chastisement God. You serve a God that show you,You may weep for a night be he bring you joy at the break of dawn. He is your [I Am} and King Jesus name! Amen

Whatever it is Jehovah is the one to call on and give it too. Love you and He loves you more than even I could!

This message was written by Shantel Alexander [8-Nov-15]


Encouraging Women Internationally to transition from a Frustrated~2~Sophisticated Life through Christ Jesus.


F~2~S Purpose:

If you do not know what this page is designed to accomplish, please read further for more details. I want to encourage women from every walk of life to trust God in every are of their life. Where you are today does not determine where you can be tomorrow or three years from now. We all have a right to make a decision that will affect our future. I want to be a Woman that assist other Women come out of their sad, pathetic, depressed life and into a more liberating, hopeful, excited life through Christ Jesus. I want to share what I feel with women all over this world. Women that are stressed, abused, prostituting, abusers, unfaithful, suicidal, and many other diseases that are not given by God. I want these women to know that there is hope for their life. There is peace, love, and joy that they can have through Christ Jesus. We so often dress up on the outside to look our very best but rarely take note to dress up our inward being as well. We are designed by God to be a [help] but so often we find ourselves trying to help everyone when we have not first helped ourselves. First God, wants us to ensure our heart is right with him. We must come to know God so that the [Help] we provide to others is help and not [Harm]. This simply means a woman that is depressed, suicidal, oppressed, bitter, unforgiving, and hoarding hatred in her heart can be of much harm and very little help .

I want to help these women come to know Christ and assist them in walking upright as a Woman of God to better assist their spouses, children, parents, and extended family the Godly way. This is why this page is designed. It will provide more words of encouragement in addition to page one Encouragement.


Ridiculous Faith

What do you have going on in your life right now that you simply have accepted and refuse to deal with? What have you grown comfortable with that you know very well is extremely unhealthy for you. When was the last time you exercised extreme, crazy, mind blowing faith? Now is the time for you to do just that. God is so pleased at us when we exercise mind blowing faith. He take great pleasure in blessing us when we push beyond the normal limitations we place on ourselves in our day-to-day lives. He wants to bless us beyond what we can imagine but we must have crazy, extreme, mind blowing faith. Faith is simply trusting God when everything around you fails. Faith is trusting God when you know and are for certain there is absolutely no way out. Trusting God, is needed in our daily Christian life if we really want to please Him. So, now is your time to have Faith. Pray this prayer with me, Dear Lord, in the name of your son Jesus, I ask your forgiveness for a lack of faith. Help me today to exercise my faith in my Christian walk with you everyday. Forgive me of every sin I may have committed knowingly and unknowingly in Jesus name. Amen

20 Oct 2015

Annie Okoye, Founder, F~2~S

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