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Blindly Trusting God

Purpose of Sessions: ~~~~~~~Evaluate Our Trust in God.~~~~~~

                                      ~~~~~~~Ignite your desire to blindly trust God, without hesitation.~~~~~~~

God desire for us to trust Him even when we can't see Him. He wants us to trust Him in the most quiet times in our lives that He will not forsake us. He want us to trust his word without doubt that He will perform every promise He has made to us. We should ask ourselves often if we are blindly trusting God. Do you have to see every step of God's plan for your life to believe He has a Devine plan for you. Must you have a sign every time God makes a promise to you. Are you blatantly challenging a perfect God to His word. I encourage you today to put on the blindfold and trust God. If an earthly father give good gifts, what more shall our Heavenly Father give us.

The above clips shows a man placing complete trust in his earthly father and the entire crowd watching him that they would remain quiet as his dad instruct him across a tight rope blindfolded. When you look at this video ask yourself who in your life that you have given total trust to that you would trust them with your life. Then ask yourself is this person, thing, or group more powerful than God. The final question you will need to ask yourself is really hard. This question is why you do not trust God as you do that person, thing, or group.

Scripture to Help:

Proverbs 3: 5-6

Once you have reflected upon your answers to the asked questions Examine your walk with the Lord and work diligently to blindly trust God and ask Him to help you in this effort. Ask, God to help you accept His will for your life. This is only to prepare you for your heavenly home. We need to know that our acceptance of God's plan for our life and our willingness to be obedient to God's plan defines our ready state to be with The Lord. 

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