Please note this post will change August 1, 2015. I hope [The Unnamed Woman] F2S Life has been an encouragement to you.
Soul F2S Woman~~ describes a woman in the Bible that can be referred to as a Soul F2S Woman. She is a woman that has experienced frustration but chose to develop the attributes of a [sophisticated] refined woman from the heart through Christ Jesus.
~~~~~~~~~~Soul F2S Woman number four~~~~~The Unnamed Woman~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~Inherited Frustration~~Frustrated destined to Sophistication in Christ~~
The story of the Unnamed Woman can be found in Judges 11th chapter. The Unnamed Woman was the daughter of Jephthah. The Unnamed Woman was initiated into a life of frustration by her grandmother. Her father's, mother was a prostitute which was the sole cause of her life of frustration. Her frustration was inherited pain from her grandmother's promiscuous life style. Her grandmother's lifestyle led to the ridicule and abandonment of her father by his step brothers. Jephthah was thrown out of his family home by his step brothers and promised that he wouldn't receive an inheritance because he was a child of another woman. This abandonment led to Jephthah going to reside in the Land of Tob where he started his own family and was known for his rough mannerism. When the Land of Tob were at risk of war with the Ammonites, they hand picked Jephthah to lead them in war against their rivals. They promised Jephthah that if he triumphed over the Ammonites, he would be their next leader. Jephthah with no second thought of leaving his only daughter, accepted their offer and prior to going into war with the Ammonites, he prayed to God that if He would grant him victory over the Ammonites that whatever, met him out of his house upon his return that he would sacrifice it unto God as a burnt offering.
[The Unnamed Woman inherited frustration: Grandmother was a Prostitute, Father was hurt and abandoned because of his mom sin, Father's vow with God, and Father's disappointment upon return]
When Jephthah returned with victory, his daughter ran out of the house and met him while dancing to the sound of a tambourine. With great excitement she was ecstatic that God had returned her father home safely, but with great disappointment Jephthah screamed and began ripping his clothes. He had not known that he was promising to sacrifice his only child to the Lord when he made the vow. The Unnamed Woman was frustrated at her father's response, and he quickly explained to her that he had made a vow to God that he could not break.
The Unnamed Woman leaped into a life of sophistication through Christ Jesus by responding to her father with encouragement to honor his vow that he had made to God even if it meant taking her life. Her response testifies to a refined heart. Although her life up to this point was a compilation of inherited frustration she chose 2 transform into sophistication by honoring God. Her life as a martyr was the true testament of her transition to a Soul F2S Woman.
[The Unnamed Woman transition 2 Sophistication: Honoring God, and encouraging her father to keep the vow he made to God].
Please note: This is only a summary of some of the facts about The Unnamed Woman's life to know more read Judges 11th chapter and you may also view these sites: