Please note this post will change Apritl 5 , 2016. I hope [Tamar] F2~S Life will be an encouragement to you . Soul F2S Woman~~ describes a woman in the Bible that can be referred to as a Soul F2S Woman. She is a woman that has experienced frustration but chose to develop the attributes of a [sophisticated] refined woman from the heart through Christ Jesus.
Tamar was chosen as this month's Soul F~2~S Woman. This months passage will be extremely difficult to read if you don't keep the hi-lighted text in mind.
[In today's society this read may be sick and vulgar but you have to read this with the understanding of the days before Christ. Women were precious to God but to some men an object used to keep their lineage or their name alive. Many women felt violated or less than a woman if she could not bare a child. More importantly if they became a widow prior to giving birth to a male child they would be sent back to their Father's home to live the rest of their life as a widow with no inheritance from their in laws. When you read this month's passage with this in mind. You can read it in it's entirety with an understanding on why Judah called Tamar more righteous than he.]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Female Warrior for Justice~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Soul F2S Woman number eleven~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tamar was the daughter-in-law of Judah. Judah was the son of Jacob that conspired with his brothers to sell his youngest brother Joseph into slavery to the Ishmeelites in effort to trick their father Jacob into believing that his favorite son Joseph had been devoured by an animal. [You will need to read Genesis 37th chapter to understand how this significant piece is so important in the life of Judah, which also affected the life of Tamar. Judah had three sons: Er, Onan, and Shelah. Tamar was betrothed to Er, Judah's oldest son. So after Tamar had been taken from her home to her father-in-laws home, her frustration began. The frustration began when she was chosen as the wife to Judah's oldest son [Er]. However, Er was so wicked that God slew [killed] him. So Judah informed his younger brother [Onan] that he would have to marry Tamar and impregnate her with a child that will represent the seed of Er. Onan was old enough to comprehend and understand the request of Judah on Tamar's behalf. He accepted and married Tamar; however, during their time of intimacy Onan chose not to keep the oath to Judah and instead spilled his semen on the ground. This selfish act of Onan displeased God so much that He slew [killed] Onan. Judah being fully aware of what took place otherwise, it would not have been recorded in the Word of God, chose to be disloyal to Tamar by sending her back to her father home as a widow. He made a promise to her that he had no intention to keep that when his youngest son [Shelah] was old enough to marry that he would send for her and give her to him. So as the years passed Judah's wife passed and Shelah was of age to marry so Tamar was informed. Tamar decided that she would take justice since Judah had failed to remain loyal to his word. She remove her widow's garment and veiled her face and wrapped herself. She went to Timnath where she was told she would meet Judah and she went to an open place and when Judah saw her he thought she was a harlot and beckoned her to sleep with him. Tamar knew this would be the only way to receive an inheritance from Judah that was due her until Shelah had proven unable to impregnate her. She knew that Judah feared that his only surviving son would die also after being given to her in marriage so he lied to her and sent her back to her Father's home to remain a widow. So she asked Judah, what will you give me if I allow you sleep with me. She realized that he had approached her as a prostitute so in effort to obtain a sure inheritance she would have to behave as one. So Judah promised to give her a kid from the flock. Tamar, was no longer the kid she was when she wedded his son Er, she realized that Judah had promised her Shelah after he grew old enough and he never kept his word so she replied to Judah, will you give me a pledge until I receive the kid. Judah so intoxicated with his lustful desires didn't hesitate in asking Tamar, what pledge shall I give you. Tamar requested, Judah's signet [a ring used in those days to endorse a document in a high official name], his bracelets, and his staff. Judah anxious to fulfill the desires of his flesh agreed and quickly gave all of the personal items requested to Tamar. She successfully took the justice she was desiring by deceiving Judah and becoming pregnant from him. Tamar rose up and went and changed back into her widow clothing and headed back to her fathers house. When Judah arose, he went and selected a kid and sent the kid by his friend to give to Tamar in exchange for his pledge [all of his personal items back]. His friend took the kid in search for Tamar but he could not find her. About three months later Tamar was transitioned from a frustrated to a sophisticated woman of wisdom. Judah received word that Tamar his daughter-in-law was pregnant from whoredom. Judah sent a message saying bring her to me and let her be burned. Tamar returned a message to Judah with his pledge [his signet, bracelet, and his staff] and said tell Judah to use discernment it is by the owner of these things that I am pregnant. What Judah did to Tamar in secret, Tamar reminded him in secret. Judah received the message and also acknowledged the items as his owned and verbally pronounced that Tamar had been more righteous than him. He stated that he promised to remove her shame as a young widow by giving her Shelah but was disloyal to his promise and word. However, Tamar, deceived him and had proof that he was the father of her child but rather than announce it to the world she sent his pledge back to him and never exposed him as the father to his messenger.
Tamar life of frustration began when she had to marry Judah's wicked son, Er.
It continued when she became a widow and was used to marry Judah's second son [Onan] to obtain a seed for Er's behalf. The frustration continued to escalate as she realized that Onan had taken advantage of her body for his pleasure rather than, keeping the oath he agreed to, in having a child for his oldest brother. This entire arrangement was to ensure Tamar received an inheritance from Judah because she could not receive a inheritance least she bore a male child from his lineage. Her frustration continued when she was informed to take the ultimate humiliation which was to go back to her father's home and remain a widow until Judah's youngest son became of age to marry. Frustration was overwhelming when she realized that Judah had no intention to be loyal to his word or promise to her.
Tamar chose to transition into a sophisticated woman of wisdom by taking the justice that she felt was due her. She chose to transition from the young frustrated girl into a sophisticated woman of wisdom by deceiving Judah with the same deception he used to deceive her; however, she remained loyal to her word. Judah promised her that she would receive a child from his lineage by wedding Onan when he was of age but he failed to keep his promise. Tamar promised Judah as a disguised prostitute that if he gave her a kid that she would return his pledge. She kept her promise by returning his pledge after three months of confirmation that she was pregnant. Tamar had twin boys.
As I stated in the beginning, if you read Genesis 37th chapter, you will see the wickedness Judah played in the selling of his youngest brother. You will see the deception he displayed toward his father and how his own sons were exactly the same.
To know the detailed story of Tamar read Genesis 38th chapter.
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