Please note this post will change June 1, 2015. I hope Esther's F2S Life has been an encouragement to you.
Soul F2S Woman~~ describes a woman in the Bible that can be referred to as a Soul F2S Woman. She is a woman that has experienced frustration but chose to develop the attributes of a [sophisticated] refined woman from the heart.
Soul F2S Woman number two~~~~~Esther~~~~~~~
Esther was a jewish girl raised by her cousin Mordecai. She was the newly appointed queen of Persia. She was chosen among all of the girls of the land, as queen, after Queen Vashti was banished from the king's presence for her blatant disobedience to the king. King Xerxes, was unaware that Esther was a jew and although she was now the new queen she was still limited to the king's presence accept he requested her. Esther experienced frustration when she heard that Haman, which was one of the King's favorite officials, had plotted against Mordecai and all of the Jews. Haman's malice toward Mordecai's blatant refusal to bow down to him resulted in a risky threat against all Jews. Haman's anger toward Esther's cousin, Mordecai, caused him to manipulate the King into accepting a proposal to killing all the Jews. Mordecai's fear for his life and all of the other Jews became furious and sent words of warning to Esther pleading that she help their people.
Esther's Frustration was with Haman's decision to manipulate the king into killing all of the Jews.
Esther's Frustration was also with her cousin Mordecai's request that she intervene on their behalf, considering that her access to the King was limited.
Esther's transition to Sophistication was her acceptance to intervene for the Jewish people.
Esther's transition to sophistication was her request that Mordecai gather Jews in Susa for fasting and prayer on her behalf for 3 days and 3 nights.
Esther's final walk in sophistication was when she entered the inner courts to speak with the King on behalf of her people.
Esther was aware that she was risking her life for her people but she accepted the risk, God not only showed her favor but her people (the Jews) as well.
In your own words describe what you think made Esther a Soul F2S Woman and submit. These responses will be posted on the website within 48 hours.
Reference on the story of Esther below: