Please note this post will change on December 9, 2016. This month's Soul F~2~S Woman is Unknown. I hope [Her] Soul F~2~S Life will be an encouragement to you. Soul F2S Woman~~ describes a woman in the Bible that can be referred to as a Soul F2S Woman. She is a woman that has experienced frustration but chose to develop the attributes of a [sophisticated] refined woman from the heart through Christ Jesus.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Unknown Woman~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Soul F~2~S Woman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The life of the Unknown Woman is certainly relevant to the Soul F~2~S Woman.
The Bible speaks of many unknown women and the one hi-lighted for this month will be the Woman who was caught in adultery by the Pharisees. In the book of John 8: 1-11, you will find the brief story of this Woman. The unknown woman frustration began when she was caught in the act of adultery and was taken before Jesus on Mount of Olives. I am certain that this must have been an embarrassing experience for her. The Pharisees brought her in front of a crowd and Jesus. They stated to Jesus, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. According to the laws of Moses, she should be stoned. The Pharisees were trying to entrap Jesus by his response. Jesus responded [He who is without sin cast the first stone]. The Bible says each of them left beginning with the elders. Jesus then said to the unknown woman. Woman where are your accusers, didn't even one of them stay to condemn you. She replied no. Jesus then said to her that neither will I condemn you, go and sin no more. Although there is no information about her life after her accusation; I believe that her transition to sophistication began when Jesus spoke on her behalf.
I would like to encourage all women to go and sin no more. Despite the sin you have committed or been caught in by your accusers. Get up repent, and go and sin no more. God has forgiven you and Jesus has paid the price for your sins.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~God Bless ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To read the story of this Unknown Woman for yourself, read John 8th Chapter in the Holy Bible.
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