Please note this post will change November 1, 2015. I hope [The Woman with the Issue of Blood] F2S Life has been an encouragement to you. Soul F2S Woman~~ describes a woman in the Bible that can be referred to as a Soul F2S Woman. She is a woman that has experienced frustration but chose to develop the attributes of a [sophisticated] refined woman from the heart through Christ Jesus.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Soul F2S Woman number six~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Woman with the Issue of Blood~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Imagine Bleeding for twelve months and spending every penny you have in Doctor bills that were all unsuccessful treatments. Then suddenly you hear about a Man that has been performing miracles everywhere He went and His name is Jesus. You are feeling extremely hopeless but your inner most gut feeling is pushing you to go try to meet this man. Although your innermost being is pushing you, there are constant reminders of disappointments from previous doctor appointments. Instantly you decide you are going to meet Him no matter what--- after all you have nothing to loose. The Woman with the Issue of Blood story is found in Luke 8:43-48. This Woman had to force her way through what was called a multitude of people only to touch the helm of Jesus garment. A multitude can also be defined as a large body of people. So imagine bleeding uncontrollably and forcing your way through a crowd of people to get to a Man that everyone esteemed. This is exactly what [The Woman with the Issue of Blood] did in effort to receive Devine healing from Jesus. Her story is so amazing because despite the crowd of people Jesus knew instantly when she had touched Him. He stated that a virtue left Him, which I understand to mean that he felt the Healing Power leave him to heal her of this condition. He told her to be in comfort and to go in peace because her faith had made her whole.
So what issue in your life have you been holding on to for years or trying to get rid of with no success of true deliverance or healing. Whatever it is I challenge you to press your way through the crowd or multitude of distractions in your life to touch the helm of Jesus garment. How can you touch the helm of His garment?-- through prayer and reading your bible. Jesus will know when you have made a choice to touch Him no matter how many others are calling on His name, you are so special and so important to Him that He will know instantly when you call Him.
[The Woman with the Issue of Blood transitioned 2 Sophistication by: Having faith that Jesus would heal her despite all of her previous unsuccessful treatments. Her Faith was the key to her transition to sophistication. Jesus told her that she had been made whole because of her faith.]
Please note: This is only a summary of some of the facts about The Woman with the Issue of Blood life~~~ to know more read the following:
Matthew 9:20-22,Mark 5:25, and Luke 8:43-48, and you may also view this site:
with information by Kathryn Capoccia.