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Please note this post will change on October 1, 2016. This month's Soul F~2~S Woman is Jochebed. I hope [Jochbed's] Soul F~2~S Life will be an encouragement to you . Soul F2S Woman~~ describes a woman in the Bible that can be referred to as a Soul F2S Woman. She is a woman that has experienced frustration but chose to develop the attributes of a [sophisticated] refined woman from the heart through Christ Jesus.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Soul F2S Woman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The life of Jochebed is certainly relevant to the Soul F2S Woman. Jochebed was the mother of Moses. The frustration she encountered in life was learning that King Pharaoh had ordered his people to throw all the newborn Hebrew boys into the river. Jochebed had just given birth to Moses. Despite the wicked plans of the King, Jochebed decided to transition from frustration to sophistication by placing her trust in God. She defied the command of the king by hiding Moses for three months. Then she placed all her trust in God and placed Moses in a basket and put him into the river. She had faith in God to believe that God would protect her son from death. As a result of her trusting God, Moses was found by the Kings daughter and her immediate compassion to protect him leaped with in her. The Kings daughter and one of her slaves retrieved Moses from the river and Moses younger sister had been following the basket along side the river bank. When she noticed the ladies retrieved her brother she immediately ran to them and told them that she knew of a Hebrew mother who could nurse the baby. They were completely unaware that this Hebrew mother would be Moses, mother. Pharaoh's daughter met Moses mom and told her to take the baby home and nurse him and that she would even pay her to do so. Jochebed's faith in God for Devine protection allowed her to enter into her life of sophistication. Not only was Moses life sparred but she was paid to take her son home and care for him.

Have you tried placing your faith and total trust in God? This leap of faith changed Jochebed's life and Moses as well.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~God Bless ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

To read the life of Jochebed for yourself, read Exodus 2 : 1-10 in the Holy Bible.


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